VCM Daily Trading Lessons

Real Learning Takes Place at a Deeper Level

Today's Quote: “Only the curious will learn, only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning. The Quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient." Eugene S. Wilson.

When a student learns how to play a musical instrument from a teacher, they may not realize it but they go through many levels of learning. At first, they have to learn the notes, hand positions, and all the basics. Next, they are allowed to play the notes. As they master making the sound for each unique note, they may feel that they have ‘learned to play music’. They have at some level. They are able to play every note on command.

Later they learn that these notes can come together to make actual songs and melodies. It is at this point a realization comes to mind. What they knew before was not really playing music, but was rather just a beginning. Now that they can produce series of notes that others can recognize. This must therefore, be playing music. What more could there be to learn?

Well, if you have ever heard an average 9 year old, and compared that to one of the true masters of that musical instrument, perhaps you realize that there is still much more to learn. While in the beginning the student needed to conquer the basics, as time progresses, the learning evolved more and more into learning an art than learning a science. At what point is the student a ‘musician’? At what point is the student a ‘master’? At what point does the learning stop?

Since this is a paragraph about trading, most of you have already realized the analogy. You can draw your own conclusions. The bottom line is to not play music until you know all the notes, and if you think you have mastered trading, you have not. The real masters know that learning never stops.